It’s good to have knowledge people looking 👀 out for Veterans like myself. Kudus to you guys

Easy and fast. Instructions were clear and precise and my loan officer was available and reliable.

This is my first home, and it seemed an impossible task to get the right home for me. Everyone on the team helped me through the process, texted/emailed me often, and kept me from getting discouraged. Now I have a home that suits me perfectly!

Great people to work with. Explained everything along the way!

Outstanding people to work with. Was like working with a family member. Very caring !!

Ready to see for yourself?
Experience first-hand why 327,672 homeowners give us a perfect score!

Veterans United responded to my online request in less than five minutes, and that responsiveness remained a key factor in our relationship throughout the onboarding process. They reached out frequently to offer assistance, helped facilitate our actual move by finding and locating local utility companies, and utilized all forms of communication including phone, text and email to complete the approval process. It was a pleasure using the website and working with the team. I would absolutely recommend them as a loan provider and go through the experience a second time myself. Thanks again for all the help setting my family up for success!